1. If you have the money to buy a car, then it also means you have already planned of getting insurance for it. You must have allotted a good amount to cover that idea. Most people in the know, however, advice that car insurance coverage should come first before actually buying a car. The key here is that you should afford car insurance for your car within your means. If your dream car is a Ferrari, you might be in for a shock about the cost of car insurance you would have to pay. So for practical purposes and for you not to be sorry later on, it would be wise to look around for a car insurance first that would match the model of the car you intend to buy.
2. Do your research about car insurance coverage and the companies that provide them. Get a directory and call the ones which you think can give you a good quote. You can also go online and check their history and their reputation in providing car insurance to users. Be sure to inquire thoroughly about premium costs because they may vary from one insurer to the other and the area where you come from. You can get more information about this by checking from the NWS Motor Accidents Authority (www.maa.nsw.gov.au).
3. Think Third Party Property Insurance or TPP. You must get this important kind of insurance as a minimum. It is a very good kind of car insurance protection for your car against damage or accidents. Just in case you hit an expensive car like the latest model of Audi and you have to pay the repair costs for it plus the costs to repair your car would make you totally broke; the TPP saves you from that. TPP also covers fire and theft for your car. You may have to pay for a higher premium for it, though. It is considered a risk by most insurers but then they need to have that kind of insurance coverage to please their clients.
The TPP is usually applied for older and very pricey cars that require higher insurance. It can also provide coverage damage up to about $20 million. Some insurers may propose for a free limited cover for damage just in case a non- insured car caused damaged to your car which can go as high as $4000.
4. Get comprehensive car motor insurance to cover any damage to your car. Inquire about this from car insurers and get the best deal that you can get to save you money. Some insurers offer discounted premiums for drivers who are older than 25 years old.
5. Most of all, don’t forget to read and understand the fine print. Be frank and honest when getting your car insurance coverage. Some insurance companies will not pay for damages if something’s amiss in your coverage. Ask questions, inquire and understand; and let the insurer explain what you don’t understand in the fine print. That way you won’t be shortchanged just in case your insurer disputes your claim and you would know what to do just in case that happens.
So to lessen your worries about protecting your car from any damage or accidents, think of a getting a car insurance that would suit your needs and provide the best protection for your car. Old or new, your car deserves it and keep in mind that it would do you a lot of good too, since you’re the one driving the car.